Thursday, February 10, 2011


We have a very busy next couple of weeks and months. Tomorrow, the 11th he is having a gastric emptying study done at Brenners. This will show us why his stomach is living in nowhere land and not functioning like it should be.
Next Thursday the 17th he is having major surgery. He is having a j-tube placed but the surgeon, Dr Petty (we love him) is placing a more permanent one. He is performing a rou en y jejunostomy which is where they will make an incision in his abdomen, cut his intestines and re route them into a y shape and attach one end of the y to the stomach wall and in the other end of the y they will place the feeding tube. He will be hospitalized for at least 5 days depending on outcome of the surgery. Please pray he does good. This tube will allow us to pump more formula into his system bypassing the stomach.
Poor baby, when he gets home from the hospital it is only days til his 2nd birthday. He is having a John Deere party with his closest friends and family. We have no food at the party and his cake is a box, spray painted and covered in sand to look like a pasture, I am placing plastic horses, trees and hay bales on it and a toy filled John Deere tractor pinatia on top. And of course a big number 2 candle to blow out.
His Cincinnati Trip is scheduled for April 4-8th so only 7 more weeks! We are really praying that they can give us some insight and hope to what is going on with Zach.

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